Gameobject template

Материал из Uwow
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   GO_FLAG_IN_USE                                  = 0x00000001, // disables interaction while animated
   GO_FLAG_LOCKED                                  = 0x00000002, // require key, spell, event, etc to be opened. Makes "Locked" appear in tooltip
   GO_FLAG_INTERACT_COND                           = 0x00000004, // cannot interact (condition to interact)
   GO_FLAG_TRANSPORT                               = 0x00000008, // any kind of transport? Object can transport (elevator, boat, car)
   GO_FLAG_NOT_SELECTABLE                          = 0x00000010, // not selectable even in GM mode
   GO_FLAG_NODESPAWN                               = 0x00000020, // never despawn, typically for doors, they just change state
   GO_FLAG_AI_OBSTACLE                             = 0x00000040, // makes the client register the object in something called AIObstacleMgr, unknown what it does
   GO_FLAG_FREEZE_ANIMATION                        = 0x00000080,
   GO_FLAG_ACTIVATED                               = 0x00000100, // Used in garrison for work order recipes
   GO_FLAG_DAMAGED                                 = 0x00000200,
   GO_FLAG_DESTROYED                               = 0x00000400,
   GO_FLAG_UNK11                                   = 0x00000800,
   GO_FLAG_UNK12                                   = 0x00001000,
   GO_FLAG_UNK13                                   = 0x00002000,
   GO_FLAG_IGNORE_CURRENT_STATE_FOR_USE_SPELL      = 0x00004000, // Allows casting use spell without checking current state (opening open gameobjects, unlocking unlocked gameobjects and closing closed gameobjects)
   GO_FLAG_INTERACT_DISTANCE_IGNORES_MODEL         = 0x00008000, // Client completely ignores model bounds for interaction distance check
   GO_FLAG_IGNORE_CURRENT_STATE_FOR_USE_SPELL_EXCEPT_UNLOCKED = 0x00040000, // Allows casting use spell without checking current state except unlocking unlocked gamobjets (opening open gameobjects and closing closed gameobjects)
   GO_FLAG_INTERACT_DISTANCE_USES_TEMPLATE_MODEL   = 0x00080000, // client checks interaction distance from model sent in SMSG_QUERY_GAMEOBJECT_RESPONSE instead of GAMEOBJECT_DISPLAYID
   GO_FLAG_MAP_OBJECT                              = 0x00100000, // pre-7.0 model loading used to be controlled by file extension (wmo vs m2)
   GO_FLAG_IN_MULTI_USE                            = 0x00200000, // GO_FLAG_IN_USE equivalent for objects usable by multiple players
   GO_FLAG_LOW_PRIORITY_SELECTION                  = 0x04000000, // client will give lower cursor priority to this object when multiple objects overlap


   GAMEOBJECT_FLAG_EXTRA_DESPAWN_AFTER_USE                 = 0x00000001,       // Make GO despawn after use
   GAMEOBJECT_FLAG_EXTRA_CANT_FULL_TRIGGERED_CAST          = 0x00000002,       // Make GO casts not full triggered
   GAMEOBJECT_FLAG_EXTRA_TRAP_AFFECT_ONLY_CREATURES        = 0x00000004,       // Make GO traps affect only on creatures
   GAMEOBJECT_FLAG_EXTRA_CAST_BY_PLAYER                    = 0x00000008,       // Make GO cast spells by player user
   GAMEOBJECT_FLAG_EXTRA_DESPAWN_BY_AUTOCLOSE_TIMER        = 0x00000010,       // Make GO despawn after autoclose timer
   GAMEOBJECT_FLAG_EXTRA_PERIODIC_UPDATE_VALUES            = 0x00000020,       // Make GO send update values by periodic timer